Mommy Barometer

When I feel my blood pressure rising, my blood on a rolling boil and my head a-poundin’, I try (try!) to ask myself this question before I erupt:  Are my kids just getting to me or are they actually doing something hurtful/dangerous/rude…?  (aka my might-try-to-patent-if-I-weren’t-bureaucratically-challenged  “Mommy Barometer”)

In other words, is it ME?  If so, I take my pulse.  And retreat to the other room (or, admittedly, to my smartphone to cruise Facebook) for a little break.  If it is misbehavior, I still take my pulse….on parenting.  And then attempt a calm, reasonable approach to the hurtful/dangerous/rude issue.  Am I always successful with this tactic?  Oh, no.  Do I consistently remember to assess my kids actions and how I feel about those behaviors?  I’d be lying if I said “yes.”  But the times I do remember, I’m so glad I did.  The kids can either flake out (which they gotta do!) or I can attempt a teaching moment.  Taking my own pulse when I’m not in a positive place with my kids keeps their innocent fun intact.  I mean, how confusing is it to kids when they are reprimanded for NOT breaking the rules?

So here’s what I have recently determined using the Mommy Barometer:

My kids enthusiastic repetition of the nonsensical word “shalampoofa” gets under my skin.  It is flaky fun.  Ignore and check my FB notifications.

My kids shouting “shalampoofa” from the back seat of the mini van is dangerous and requires immediate intervention.  (Please see my December 17, 2013, post “The Most Dangerous Thing on the Road” for my well-meaning but misguided approaches to parenting and driving.)

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