Step Four for an Extraordinary Life: Let Go

Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go

Idina Menzel owns this song.  The only woman who owns it more is her Frozen alter-ego, Elsa, when she accepts her frigid powers and abilities.

The power of letting go.

What if we all did that?

Maybe we can’t put the chill on global warming, or gift the desperately-needed snow to Colorado (but when you have any, please overnight it), but what if we let go of our fears and reservations?  What if you told yourself 5-4-3-2-1-go!*** and asked your boss for that deserved raise?  What if you booked that airline ticket and went to visit a friend you hadn’t seen in years?  Or think of it this way:  what if you don’t?  

You’d certainly be stuck at an undeserved pay scale.

You may never get the chance to see someone who’s been a big part of your life.

Let me tell you a story.

I reconnected with a childhood friend at a high school reunion.  A few days later we met for lunch and we hadn’t missed a beat; it was like old times.  She was a cancer survivor.  We meant to stay in touch but life took over, and while I thought often of my dear friend, I kept putting off the phone call.  Then one day, waiting for a takeout order, I was scanning FaceBook and learned that she had died.  The cancer had returned, and I never had made the opportunity to say goodbye.  Why I didn’t let go of my phone-fear and just call her I regret to this day.

Let me tell you another story.

My husband’s parents, who love the ocean, had the wish to take us to Hawaii.  They wanted to teach their grandkids how to snorkel and wanted it to be in the Aloha State.  We talked and talked about it, for years.  Then a close friend of my dad-in-law’s died suddenly.  My dad-in-law, a disciple of living life to the fullest, declared that it was time to book the trip.  No more waiting, we could miss our chance.  So, in March of 2016, we had the trip of a lifetime with my husband’s mom and dad.  Two weeks later, my dad-in-law was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and died in 2017.  Every day we are grateful we let go and took the plunge into making that trip happen.




I challenge you to take a few moments to reflect on what you want.  What you really, really want.  No matter how big or how small.  Decide it’s going to happen and make a plan.  Drop the self-judgement and your fears of what others may think and just go for it.  Think out of the box and open your eyes to the possibilities.  Nike says it best:  Just do it.  Make that call.  Schedule that meeting.  Book that trip.  I recently began a journey that is scary, wonderful and empowering all at the same time.  I was hungry for something outside my little world.  And when I found that something, I leapt.

Because I finally decided:

It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me I’m free!


For me, there’s no turning back.  That right there is liberating.  I knew I couldn’t move forward if I was looking back.   But I do give myself permission to accept fear as part of the gig and believe me, there is plenty of it.  But forward I look, and I push myself a little each day to get closer to what I want.

Was Elsa’s journey a breeze?  No, not even close.  Her journey started with freezing an entire Kingdom, which by any account is pretty bad.  But look where that took her.  To her love for her sister.  And that’s pretty powerful.

It will be the same for you…maybe not as dramatic as plunging a community into the ice age but there will be tough moments, setbacks and obstacles.  But remember this:

There’s always a freeze before the thaw.

Feel the fire and the thaw will follow.

Let it go.



***The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins is a must-read for anyone looking to move forward with courage and grab the life they want.

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