5 Great Articles That Will Satisfy Your COVID Curiosity

Yes, got distracted this week. I had to admire the last of this season’s honeysuckle blooms.

This week the writing just didn’t happen. My fridge broke, among other things. So I’m gonna cheat a little. Here is a curation of articles related to COVID that address some of the most pertinent issues out there. I hope you find them as helpful as I have:

  1. The school conundrum: Should we send our kids back to school? Some schools have already shifted to remote learning due to COVID outbreaks. But many have not. How do we decide if our children’s schools are safe to attend during this new era of learning? Read on: https://news.yahoo.com/should-you-send-your-child-back-to-school-heres-how-to-weigh-the-coronavirus-risks-155918104.html
  2. The school conundrum, part 2. I haven’t found the CDC website to be terribly user-friendly when it comes to COVID, but this page from their website covers a decipherable “to-do” list for families to consider before sending kids off to school during a pandemic. Take a look, I know there are items here I hadn’t considered: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/parent-checklist.html
  3. Neck gaiter gaffe? The neck gaiter as an alternative to wearing a mask seems appealing, especially in the mountain town our family lives in…everyone’s already got one for swooshing down the ski slopes on a frigid winter day. However, a study has found that neck gaiters may not protect others from our sneezes and coughs like first thought: https://www.scarymommy.com/neck-gaiters-covid-dangerous/?utm_source=postup&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=68242&recip_id=1793037
  4. Immunology for the hard science junkie (and everyone else, too). People are wondering if they should get an antibody test for COVID and others hope that a positive test means they are immune. This article discusses basics of the immune response and the current thinking about COVID and antibodies: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/what-we-know-covid-19-antibodies_l_5f2ac90ac5b64d7a55ed4445
  5. If you’re scratching your head about those in denial read on for enlightenment. Why do certain people believe COVID is a hoax, refuse to socially-distance and mask-up, and find comfort in wild conspiracy theories? Psychologists weigh in: https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/16/health/pandemic-covid-19-denial-mental-health-wellness/index.html
And of all things, there were Clydesdales in my backyard. So you can see how the writing just didn’t come this week.

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