Tag - discipline

The Principal Always Rings Twice
Consistency Out The Window

The Principal Always Rings Twice

What do parents and doctors have in common?  Call.  Which means we must have some sort of electronic gadget within easy reach (surgical attachment, anyone?) so the school or the sitter (or the hospital) can get ahold of us at a moment’s notice.  The only difference is parents must take this responsibility round the clock, not every third weekend or weekday (which, don’t get me wrong,  is plenty tough).   But like doctors, we parents can have a degree of superstition about how to ward off bad news delivered by phone.  For me, my mobile is always in my pocket or…

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Consistency Out The Window

We ask our kids to use “inside voices” then we holler at them to clean their rooms or get ready for school. We instruct our kids to not write on the walls and then find pen marks in our child’s bedroom marking how tall their stuffed animals are.  So endearing is that discovery, we let it go. We warn our kids about not talking to strangers but we ourselves greet new faces on the street with a friendly “hello.” We remind our kids to stay seated while eating but we are up and down several times during a meal (to…

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