Tag - music lessons

Learning the Language of Music (Yes, There are Strings Attached)
Well, Enough About Me…

Learning the Language of Music (Yes, There are Strings Attached)

I first heard about the Suzuki method of musical instruction when my sons voiced respective interests in learning violin and classical guitar.  After we talked with both instructors, and observed their differing styles in response to our inquiries,  I grew curious about the methodology that tied these teachers together.  So enter the book for October 2014:  Shin’ichi Suzuki’s book Nutured by Love.  Suzuki was an accomplished Japanese violinist who astutely observed that children learn their native tongue through simple repetition.  He felt that by using the same approach, with an understanding that ability is learned and not innate, children could learn…

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Well, Enough About Me…

We’ve all heard the line: Enough about me…what do YOU think of me? Ever realize you get so caught up in your own vision you forget: The situation isn’t about YOU? Just a rhetorical question.  Except not for me.  Since I mentioned it I have to ‘fess up (otherwise I wouldn’t have this blog post!).  And my answer is: All too often. How much my being an only child plays into this, I don’t know.  But I freely admit my forays into egocentricity because I realize that as a parent (it’s ok to silently agree with this) I hope my…

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